A project at The draughtswomen/men draw one another Ana Leonor M. Rodrigues, James Faure Walker, Pedro Saraiva + P2- duplicate Students and members of the public 3-10 February 2010 Drawing Spaces, Fábrica Braço de Prata The draughtswomen/men draw one another: collaboration between Ana Leonor M. Rodrigues, James Faure Walker, Pedro Saraiva. Project developed exclusively during opening hours: the draughtswomen/men observe and draw one another. P-2 duplicate: project produced in collaboration with various participants, students, and members of the public. The participants will duplicate the task of the artists, by observing and drawing the artists and other participants who are also observing and drawing. This will be developed through the use of different modes of registering – drawing, photography, video, mobile phone. Drawing Spaces/Espaços do Desenho directed by Teresa Carneiro