The presentation in the galeria_na_montra, January 2021 in Caxias, of Mapa 2 A is part of a sequential group of exhibitions that present the entire project of Maps of the Earth after the End.
The map of a place that does not exist is a potential or a promise of an event. Although a non-existent territory may not be experienced, the fact that it is represented and mapped informs the brain of a possibility of existence—the same as it is possible to travel looking at a map of an unknown place.
Here, not knowing and not existing become equivalent.
Here, not knowing and not existing become equivalent.
In a disappearing world, maps will represent that same dilution of lines and shapes.
Map #2 has eight different stages that show the successive disappearance of what it represents. The 2 A is the first map and the one with the most information overload. It is possible to make enlargements of the 2A and go into it. That is what this exhibition is about.